
SIGURD IT continues to connect new regions to the 102 System in Uzbekistan.

In the Republic of Uzbekistan, the specialists of SIGURD-IT and the PROTEY Scientific and Technical Center continue to deploy the 102 system, and regional sites of the SIGURD MIND unified distributed contact center are being launched
The 102 system has already been successfully launched in the cities of Ferghana, Andijan, Namangan and the corresponding regions, and over the past few months the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, Kashkadarya, Surkhandarya, Khorezm, Syrdarya, Jizzakh and Navoi regions have been successfully connected to the system. Now there, calls coming through the lines of the 102 service addressed to law enforcement agencies are promptly processed and registered by operators of the system implemented by Sigurdovites.
Each of the functioning sites, a single distributed SIGURD MIND contact center, as part of the 102 system is designed to receive more than 30,000 calls per day and simultaneously operate 700+automated operator workstations.
Since the launch of the 102 system in Uzbekistan, more than 1.5 million calls from citizens have already been received at the operator's console, and its division into functional blocks allows to achieve optimal fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the contact center. This approach allows you to create the currently required system, which can be supplemented with all the necessary components in the future.
Thanks to the use of the implemented system, employees of the duty units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were able to quickly collect and analyze the operational summary according to numerous parameters, which significantly accelerated the response of operational services to committed offenses. One of the reasons for this is the correctness and speed of decisions made by the operators of the 102 system, because the timely transmission by the operator of information received in the process of communicating with him to employees of internal affairs departments depends on the correctness and efficiency of their further actions, on which the lives and health of many people of the Republic of Uzbekistan depend!
2021-09-13 00:22