
The city of Andijan is connected to the 102 system

With the help of the SIGURD MIND contact center, the specialists of SIGURD IT LLC and the PROTEUS Scientific and Technical Center in the Republic of Uzbekistan have successfully connected one of the oldest cities in the world, Andijan, to the 102 system. Earlier, call centers for operational services were launched in the cities of Ferghana and Namangan. Currently, all calls to law enforcement agencies throughout the Ferghana Valley are received by a single number "102" thanks to the project implemented by SIGURD IT LLC in the shortest possible time.
The implemented system allowed the staff of the on-duty units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Andijan to quickly collect and analyze an operational summary according to numerous parameters and significantly accelerated the response of operational services to committed offenses.
The SIGURD MIND contact center of the 102 system is designed to receive more than 3,000 calls per day and simultaneously operate 40 automated operator workstations.
All calls coming through the lines of the 102 service are recorded, and conversations are recorded.
To achieve optimal performance of the tasks assigned to the contact center, it is possible to divide it into functional blocks. This approach allows you to create the currently required system, which can be supplemented with the necessary components in the future.