
We have accepted the traffic of the service «122»

In April 2020, the operator of the St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise Smolny Automatic Telephone Exchange (SPb SUE Smolny PBX), with the support of the Committee on Informatization and Communications, created a new Unified Regional Information and Reference Service "122". The service is designed to organize public consultations on various public and social issues. In September 2020, the calls of service 122 were completely transferred to the contact center (CC), which we made specifically for the Smolny PBX.
The project to modernize the operator's network was implemented by SIGURD IT on the basis of equipment of its own design. Software switches of classes 4 and 5, a cluster IP gateway, an STM multiplexer, a multi-level IVR, a telephone notification platform and a SIGURD-MIND contact center for 500 operators were put into operation by the company's engineers and Smolny PBX. Such a number of operator jobs was necessary for the deployment of a number of information and reference services in St. Petersburg.
Currently, SIGURD-MIND contact centers are used for their work:
  • Consulting Center;
  • The center for the organization of social services;
  • Information Support Center;
  • City Center for Housing Subsidies;
  • Children's city polyclinic No. 63;
  • A multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services.
In the context of the pandemic, in April 2020, service 122 was promptly organized on the basis of the CC. Her main task was to provide consulting support to the city's population. During the six months of operation, 100,000 calls were received on the service line 122. All these calls were successfully processed. Citizens received the necessary information on health care (35% of requests), social security and compensation (13% of calls), compliance with self-isolation and sick leave (25% of requests) and border crossing (6% of calls).
The rapid transfer of traffic to the SIGURD-MIND contact center became possible due to the flexibility of the system settings, its modern functionality and the well-coordinated work of the technical specialists of SIGURD IT and Smolny PBX. The launch of service 122 in a short time adjusted the work of medical institutions, reduced social tension and helped people to obtain vital information.
The improvement of the epidemiological situation is gradually changing the structure of requests to the 122 service, therefore, currently the regional information and reference service "122" is switching to operation mode as a single citywide Contact Center on issues under the jurisdiction of the executive authorities of St. Petersburg. We and our equipment are ready for such tasks!
2020-10-13 20:00