
Namangan city is connected to the 102 system

With the help of the SIGURD MIND contact center, the specialists of STC PROTEY and its subsidiary SIGURD IT LLC successfully connected another region of the administrative center of the Namangan region of the Republic of Uzbekistan - the city of Namangan.
The launch of the operational services center in Namangan took place on February 03, 2021 and became one of the most important stages in the implementation of a large project for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
All calls to law enforcement agencies in the city and region are now accepted by a single number "102", which in turn significantly speeds up the response to various offenses, and also allows you to effectively collect and analyze an operational summary.
Thanks to the functioning “102” system, employees of the duty units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have the opportunity to:
  • automatically receive incoming statements about crimes and incidents with the creation of an electronic card;
  • the ability to control the timely processing of applications by employees of departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, thanks to the implemented indication of the stages of card processing;
  • maintain an electronic "Unified Incident Log";
  • register the list of employees who went to the scene of the incident, record the details of the participants in the incident, as well as mark the decision taken on each application.
Our Uzbek colleagues also told about the launch of the system in Namangan and its functional capabilities in the news on a local TV channel. Watch the video from the scene.
2021-02-02 21:00