

The largest CCWF-2023 regional forum in the contact center and customer service industry has already been held in Moscow for the 22nd time from March 21 to 23. More than 70 speakers shared their successful cases and experiences with the guests of the event, and more than 30 exhibitors presented their modern technological solutions, while the total number of Customer Contacts World Forum participants this time exceeded 1,500 people.

The SIGURD-IT team traditionally took an active part in this event, which is significant for all specialists of the contact center industry.
As part of CCWF 2023, the largest and well-known program for nominating the best of the best in the customer interaction industry - CCGURU Awards| Crystal Headset was held, in which the CEO of SIGURD–IT, Roman Potishny, took part as a member of the jury. The Alfa-Bank Superservice project was highly appreciated by the jury, and the winner of the nomination "The most effective Anti-Crisis Management Practice" was the BEAC Corporate Solutions Center, which was solemnly announced and congratulated by Roman.
At the demo forum in the format of a report, Roman Potishny shared the prerequisites for the creation of the SIGURD-MIND contact center for the Social Gasification program, and also spoke in detail about the specifics of the implementation of this project and further ways of its development, and within the demo zone SIGURD-IT presented its demonstration stand as one of the leading Russian suppliers modern technological solutions.

We thank the guests of the forum for their interest and activity, and the SIGURD-IT team expresses special gratitude to the organizers and colleagues for the opportunity to exchange practical experience on actual topics of the contact center industry. See you soon!
2023-03-29 01:00