
Launch of the 102 service in Uzbekistan

In Uzbekistan, the specialists of STC PROTEY and its subsidiary SIGURD IT LLC launched a call center for operational services in the city of Ferghana.
All calls to law enforcement agencies are now accepted by a single number 102 in the Ferghana region. This significantly speeds up the response to offenses, helps to collect and analyze an operational summary throughout the Ferghana district.
This launch has become another important milestone of a large project for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan, implemented over the past 2 years. The permanent head of the project is the CEO of SIGURD-IT, Roman Potishny. Maria Sergeeva and Irina Mikhasenok were responsible for the technical side of the project. The basis of the system was the SIGURD MIND contact center for operational emergency services, modified to meet the needs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan.
The system in Ferghana allows you to receive up to 3,000 calls per day and is designed for simultaneous operation of 30 automated operator workstations. Queuing and a built-in multi-level IVR (interactive voice menu) help service the entire flow of incoming calls to law enforcement agencies. The forces and means accounting subsystem monitors the presence of duty vehicles and employees in the areas and sends only the nearest crews to help, which significantly saves time on response and helps prevent many offenses.
Uzbek colleagues told about the operation of our system in the round-the-clock combat duty mode in the news on a local TV channel.
2020-12-01 19:00